The Show
My K.I.T.T. car


Knight Industries Two Thousand
Serial Number: alpha-delta-227529

Knight Industries has created the world's strongest, fastest, and safest car. The Knight Industries Two Thousand (K.I.T.T. for easy reference).

K.I.T.T. is virtually indestructible due to an advanced molecular bondage shell - details are classified - access denied.

The platform for the vehicle is a front engine, rear wheel drive, two passenger, two door coupe - the body selection was based on the personal vehicle of Michael Long. The Two Thousand is powered by the Knight Industries' turbojet engine with modified afterburners for added acceleration. Estimated price in 1982 for development and construction is $11,400,000 - in 2002 that figures to $21,665,518.

The vehicle is operationally controlled by an advanced microprocessor AI intelligence. Highlights of K.I.T.T.'s abilities: Auto Cruise, Auto Pursuit, Auto Collision Avoidance (with over-ride option if human life is not in danger), and Ejection systems for the pilot and front passenger. K.I.T.T. is able to communicate via voice commands and or direct input.

Primary programming is the preservation of human life, above all Michael Knight's. K.I.T.T.'s AI programming is the most advanced in the world, as such the AI has formed a personality over time. K.I.T.T. is able to judge a situation and develop a proper course of action. In addition he has formed a bond with Michael and the entire staff of The Foundation for Law And Government (FLAG).

K.I.T.T. is FLAG's most valuable asset and holds its greatest secrets. Complete technical details are classified - access denied. K.I.T.T. is serviced by experienced cybernicians using specifically designed FLAG equipment. Complete schematic diagrams and limited equipment are however included onboard K.I.T.T. in the event emergency field repairs are needed. The AI must release these documents in the event they are needed - they are not available otherwise.

K.I.T.T. may not tell you, but he has a deep bond with Michael Knight. He has grown to love and respect him, even though his human. Unfortunately K.I.T.T. usually bares the brunt of Michael extracurricular activities. Parked outside of some "acquaintances'" home for hours on end is rather boring for the world's most sophisticated car. Also being left to fend for himself by Michael with the odd characters that frequent parking lots - or baby tigers.


K.I.T.T. is originally technically identical to the Knight Automated Roving Robot (K.A.R.R.) with one exception; the primary program. K.A.R.R.'s programming, of self preservation resulted in an uncontrollable, unpredictable, and unstable AI. K.I.T.T.'s programming for the preservation of human life lead to a breakthrough in AI development. The K.A.R.R. unit was deactivated at the request of Wilton Knight. K.A.R.R. was marked for dismantlement and put into storage. K.I.T.T.'s databanks were not populated with any information regarding K.A.R.R. for safety purposes.

Don't touch turbo boost!

Cruising music!
Knight Rider Theme mp3
(no narration)


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